Naturopathy allows natural methods to bring about healing.
Our courses teach naturopathy as a system of diet, nutrition, supplements and cleansing techniques supported by an understanding of traditional health practices such as ancient Celtic wisdom, the Chinese five element system, Ayurvedic medicine and astrology.
Naturopathy restores balance to the body, bringing peace to the mind, reconnecting us with natural cycles and restoring our own innate wisdom. It encompasses all aspects of someone’s life: lifestyle, environment, physical health, as well as mental, emotional and spiritual balance. As a multidimensional approach to health, naturopathy empowers people to understand their own journey and hereditary history, and to learn what is needed to heal and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.
We focus on using food as medicine, particularly live foods, herbs, plants and superfoods, to support health and healing. We promote a plant based diet as we know from research and experience that this enables people to heal and stay well more effectively, however we appreciate and understand variations in individual needs and lifestyles. Changes in diet and detoxification are always approached before considering supplementation because the body needs to detoxify and hydrate as a first stage of treatment.
We believe that dis-ease comes about to promote healing: problems occur that take us in the right direction to align us with our soul’s purpose. We enable people to understand their history and how they have become ill, and this helps to give people back their power.
Cardiff Steiner School
Hawthorn Road
Llandaff North CF14 2FL
0333 777 4522
0785 442 5930
Areas of Practice
We have a very high success rate with infertility within naturopathy. Our approach involves detoxification, resolving deficiencies and supporting the endocrine system. We also consider environmental and emotional factors. We help men and women solve infertility issues even if there has been medical intervention such as IVF treatment.
We meet hundreds of people with imbalances in the digestive system. Some healing factors are following a vegan diet, going gluten free and an introduction of probiotic rich foods. We share knowledge on how to make your own kefir, kombucha and fermented products. We give people the tools to resolve candida/parasites.
Naturopathic nutrition can be supportive for people experiencing the discomfort of arthritis symptoms. We focus on the alkalinity of the body, liver detoxification, taking out any food intolerances and introducing key supplements. Many clients have found their symptoms are relieved and potentially reversed after following our approach.
The naturopathic nutrition approach is a lifestyle change rather than a fad diet, we find when people eat the right foods for their body type and follow a plant-based diet they naturally balance their weight. We focus on long term health which in turn solves weight issues and food cravings.
Most people we meet daily are experiencing some form of stress. We can reduce stress in the body through dietary changes such as a reduction in caffeine, alcohol, sugar and foods that are challenging to our digestive tract. We help people also integrate meditation techniques whilst supporting their emotional wellbeing.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
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